Online Dashboard is available only for Refog Personal Monitor for Windows.
This article provides instructions on how to activate Refog Online Dashboard on a Windows based system. The content of this article is organized into the following sections:
- Create your profile
- Install the program
- Activating a device in your profile
- Viewing logs in your profile
- Disabling a device in your profile
- Potential Errors and Solutions
Create your profile
Go to the page and enter your email and password.
Your private dashboard shows you data from all devices with Refog app installed.
Install the program
Go to the page, download and install the Personal Monitor on your computer.
Is there an installed antivirus software on the monitored computer?
If yes, please use this tutorial: How to install Refog if your system has antivirus
Activating a device in your profile
Open Refog app. If you forget how to do it, please use this tutorial: How to open Refog app
Go to the "Online" section of the program's settings.
Enter the login and password to your profile, read and accept the service's terms of use, and press the "Activate" button.
Once your license has been confirmed, the device will be linked to your profile and the program will begin sending logs.
Screenshots are stored on the server for 30 days. To view old screenshots, you must launch the program on the device.
Viewing logs in your profile
To view logs, go to your profile by following the link and choose a device.
Disabling a device in your profile
To stop the program from sending logs, go to your profile by following the link, choose a device, and select the "Settings" link.
The "Stop monitoring" option disables the device, but keeps your logs in your profile.
The "Delete device" option disables the device and deletes all logs.
To reactivate a device, you must follow all of the instructions again from the beginning.
Potential Errors and Solutions
If you have any problems with Refog Personal Monitor, please contact our technical support service.
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